+1 212 742-8677
+1 212 742-8677


The relationship with some software vendors ends the day you buy their product. Not with Savvysoft.

But don't just take our word for it; our users said it quite well when they voted us #1 for Support/Service in Euromoney Magazine's Financial Technology Survey, with an astounding score of 99% for customer satisfaction. That's because at Savvysoft we believe in keeping clients happy even after we've made the sale. Why? Because quite frankly so much of our business comes from good "word of mouth," that our success depends on it.

Savvysoft's products are supported by the same team of professionals who developed them. A team with the technical and financial know-how. A team that is available 24 hours of the day by phone, e-mail, and fax. At Savvysoft, we're committed to providing our customers with the best software, and the highest level of support, that money can buy.







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