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Hedge Accounting System

Savvysoft STARS Accounting

Automate your ASC 815, FAS 157 / 133, IAS 39 and CICA 3865 compliance needs with STARS Accounting

Savvysoft offers the market's most comprehensive and robust solutions for the ASC 815, FAS 157 / 133, IAS 39, and CICA 3865 accounting standards. Our STARS Accounting web-hosted solution provides full functionality for rapid hedge accounting compliance. It handles the entire range of OTC and plain vanilla instruments from every market, with award-winning pricing models that accurately mark-to-market and mark-to-model. Use it to price and report on every structure from plain vanilla instruments like Caps/Floors, IRS, Swaptions, and Commodity Swaps to exotics such as CDXs, CDOs, TARNS, Snowballs, and more.


STARS Accounting is available as a web-based ASP, or installed in-house. For a completely outsourced solution, Savvysoft offers the Savvysoft Hedge Accounting Service Bureau.

STARS Accounting utilizes our award-winning TOPS models to handle fair value option pricing and hedge effectiveness for all OTC derivative instruments in all markets including:

Trade data, market data, and hedge relationship data can all be loaded into STARS Accounting automatically via any combination of automated feeds, XML, text files, direct connections with other systems, spreadsheets and manual overrides.

STARS Accounting maintains complete audit trails with the full complement of reconciliation reports to ensure the highest level of data integrity and accountability. Clients instantly see what data has changed, who changed it, and when. View time series of market data, and even run a report which performs sanity checks on the evolution of market data over time to check for internal consistency.

STARS Accounting is a highly secure ASC 815, FAS 157, FAS 133 / IAS 39 / CICA 3865 reporting system with extremely granular access levels that allow the system administrator to turn access on and off for each STARS Accounting user on a module by module basis.

If you would like a demonstration of TOPS or STARS Accounting, or more information, please click here to be contacted by a Savvysoft representative.


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