+1 212 742-8677
+1 212 742-8677

Savvysoft Turnkey Hedge Accounting Services

Freedom from ASC 815, FAS 157 and 133, IAS 39 and CICA 3865

For those who need to comply with hedge accounting but don't want to devote scarce resources to the problem, or don't want to bother installing and maintaining a system to do it, Savvysoft offers our Turnkey Hedge Accounting Services to do all the work for you.

Simply send us your deals and hedge relationships, and we do the rest. Every time a new deal is done, we'll perform a prospective effectiveness test and send the results back, along with the hedge documentation. And every accounting period we send retrospective effectiveness reports, and even journal entries to load into your G/L system. When a deal is de-designated or matures, we'll send the journal entries for that, as well.

Savvysoft's Hedge Accounting Services can be customized to precisely meet your exacting requirements. Reports can be generated with whatever frequency you need, from daily to quarterly. A variety of communication means can be utlized, from email to secure FTP to physical delivery, and everything in between. In addition, any file format can be used. At Savvysoft, we make sure our process is built around you, not the other way around.

Savvysoft Turnkey Hedge Accounting Services are provided using Savvysoft's award-winning TOPS models which cover every asset class, and our robust and battle-tested STARS Accounting system, which can accommodate any type of instrument in any market, using any pricing model. What this means is that we're prepared to price whatever type of derivative you have, and we're able to automate the process in a secure environment with a full audit trail and complete tranparency.

Please contact us to learn more about how Savvysoft Turnkey Hedge Accounting Services can give you freedom from ASC 815, FAS 157 and 133, IAS 39 and CICA 3865.





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