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Contact: LeeAnn Chen (212) 742-8677

Savvysoft Announces Analytics4Rent.com

First Internet site for valuing exotic derivatives online in Excel goes live, featuring patent pending "CalcServer" technology

New York, June 20, 2000 -- Savvysoft, the New York-based OTC derivatives software vendor announced at the SIA Show today Analytics4Rent.com. Employing a patent-pending, breakthrough Internet technology dubbed "CalcServer," Analytics4Rent.com is the worlds first product that allows companies to run derivatives analytics on the Internet inside of an Excel spreadsheet .Analytics4Rent's patent-pending "CalcServer" technology makes Savvysofts TOPS 2000 Excel Add-Ins "Internet-ready," so that they can be run not only on a PC but also on the Internet as a fully integrated part of Excel .

With Savvysofts Analytics4Rent.com, TOPS 2000 Excel Add-Ins are now available on demand via the web on a 24/7 basis. Companieswill be able to use TOPS 2000 models to price, hedge and measure the risk of OTC derivatives simply by visiting theAnalytics4Rent website.

Analytics4Rent will significantly lower the up front cost of using TOPS 2000 models. Instead of the traditional method ofpaying for a perpetual license up front, companies will effectively be able to lease Analytics4Rent on a subscription basis.

Subscribers to Analytics4Rent.com will be able to always access the latest version of TOPS 2000s cutting edge pricing models.More importantly, they will be able to use the models directly on the Internet in Microsoft Excel, using TOPS 2000s acclaimeduser interface.

Excel is the browser

"Were extremely excited about offering TOPS 2000 as an Internet product, but were especially thrilled by the fact thatcompanies will be able to run TOPS 2000 models not only on the Internet but also inside Excel," said Rich Tanenbaum, founderof Savvysoft and former head of Derivatives Research at Bankers Trust, now Deutsche Bank. "We have 1000 users who havediscovered the synergy of coupling the unmatched derivatives capabilities of TOPS 2000 with all of Excels power, such ascopying, building formulas, using mathematical functions, graphing, creating templates, macros, real-time data feeds, andaccess to databases. But now with Analytics4Rent.com, were pushing the envelope one giant step further: companies will nowhave the convenience of renting TOPS 2000 and using it online inside Excel. Until now, if you wanted to price options on theInternet, you either had to put up with a clunky web page calculator for submitting a calculation, or live with the limitationsof someone elses standalone application. And even then, you had to settle for inferior calculations. Analytics4Rent providesyou with all the power of the Excel spreadsheet, the sophistication of TOPS 2000, simultaneously with all the advantages of anInternet application. In essence, weve made Excel the browser."

The breakthough CalcServer technology behind Analytics4Rent is patent pending. Savvysoft intends to apply the technology tocreate Internet Ready Add-ins for a wide range of applications.

Savvysoft is an ASP

Analytics4Rent.com is Savvysofts first foray into the ASP (Application Service Provider) market. ASPs provide software on arental basis, which offers customers three key advantages:

the software runs on an Internet server maintained by the ASP, which means the available software is always the currentversion

users dont have to deal with the hassles of installation and update issues, since they will always automatically use thelatest version

the cost of the software is on a per month basis, which lowers the up front cost substantially

Analytics4Rent follows Savvysofts highly successful web site FreeCreditDerivatives.com, which provides daily market implieddefault rates for a wide range of credit ratings and industries. This site has had thousands of visitors from the investmentcommunity, and the information on the site is often quoted in leading publications. Analytics4Rent.com is the second of whatwill become a family of Internet products introduced in 2000. The company expects that by the end of 2001 that 80% of itsrevenue will be derived from these new Internet-based products.

About Savvysoft

Savvysoft is a New York City-based provider of high-caliber OTC derivatives analytics, derivatives integration software,software for tracking portfolios of OTC derivatives, and free market implied default rates. Savvysofts analytical productshandle OTC derivatives structures in many markets including: equities, interest rates, FX, commodities, convertibles, MBS,electricity, energy, and credit. The companys integration products facilitate the integration of analytics into any open thirdparty system or in-house system. Savvysoft products are used by over 1000 institutions in 15 countries worldwide. Theinstitutions include top-tier banks, dealers, brokers, money managers, energy suppliers, corporate treasurers, auditors andconsultants. Savvysoft was founded by Rich Tanenbaum, an options pioneer and the head of Derivatives Research at Bankers Trustwhen the bank dominated the OTC derivatives market. Rich was a founding member of the first OTC derivatives desk on Wall Street.

Savvysoft's corporate headquarters are located in downtown New York City at 17 State Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY10004 U.S.A. Tel: 212-742-8677; Fax: 212-425-8677; Web: www.savvysoft.com, www.FreeCreditDerivatives.com,www.Analytics4Rent.com

All product names referenced herein are trademarks of their respective companies.


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